7 April 2022

The 7th day of SPROUTS – 2020 began with Yoga and bhajan. Soon after that the staff of Shreebharathi institution conducted very interesting activity for the students called ” Treasure Hunt ” where students had to find out different items. The staff hid 7 items in various places inside the campus. The 7 teams had to find out the items that they had got. They were given 1 hour to find out the things.


The students explored every places but only two teams succeeded in finding out the items.

The students as well as the staff enjoyed the activity. The students exhibited their team spirit. After announcing the results the students were given lunch break.


The post lunch sessions began at 1pm. A few students were taught Bhajan Kunitha which they are going to present on the day of valedictory ceremony. The science staff of Shreebharathi institution conducted activities sucha as quiz ,riddles etc for the remaining students. The practice for the valedictory ceremony is going on in a full swing. The day ended at 3pm.


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