SPROUTS – 2022 Day-2 Programme

31 March 2022

The second day of “SPROUTS – 2022” began at 9 am with Yoga and bhajan under the guidance of Mrs. Subhadra Bhat, the senior Lecturer of Shreebharathi. The morning session began with the report reading of the previous day programme . The students have written the reports nicely and presented them.
Mrs. Rashmi, Department of English engaged the morning session with activities where team leaders had to introduce themselves and their team members .The morning session ended with the vocabulary building activity and with a song .

Post lunch session began with Vande Mataram under the guidance of Mrs. Gayatri department of Hindi. There was a refreshing activity for the students conducted by Miss, Nikhitha, Miss Bharathi, Miss Sushmitha,Mrs.Jyothi and with the assistance of other teachers.

Soon after this , the afternoon session was handed over to Miss Bharathi ,department of economics and Mrs . Rashmi, department of Physics. They taught the students to prepare wall hangings using the papers. At the end of the session students were appreciated for their active participation and for preparing beautiful badges for their teams. The second day ended at 3pm with a positive note .

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